Very Oftenly You may need To search For a file or a folder in Your
Computer/Laptops Harddisk.
If You know the
exact file location then there is no problem but if you dont know the file
location there exists a problem.
If you work with the numerous number of files
and folders then there exists a problem such that it is very difficult to find
the necessary file.
In Windows 7 there is an
excellent and fast Indexing service for searching the files or folders fastly .
Whenever you type something in windows 7 it will see the results
immediately.But mostly they show only
Local Disk(C) files but not the other
whereas in windows 7 shows the results but windows xp/8 Does not have a
excellent search option in their windows Operating System(OS).
If you are using Windows 8 Its search option and its experience is
too poor.Windows 8 shows only the files and folders in local Disk(C) initially
but you can index to all drives.
This Software runs on all versions of Windows operating System
No need of any requiremnts or specifications
Here Procedure means nothing just download the software and run
the software.
Then Search the files and folders in the a hard disk.
For example if you type “amaranth” in the search
it will show all the files and folders which contains “amaranth”