Saturday, May 11, 2013

[Solved]How To activate Windows 8 Using 7PMTech

Posted by Technology Cracks 2 Comments

Introduction of Windows 8

Windows 8 is one of the Most trending Operating system that was developed by Microsoft.Windows 7 is better compared to windows 8 according to my point of view.
Windows 8 introduces new metro GUI(Graphical User Interface).SO many People are interested to use Windows 8 but before activating they could not use the some feautures like changing the picture password and background design of Ribbon.

Windows Store:   

            It is the extra feature that was not existed in windows 7   but placed in windows 8.
How to activate Windows 8  
           Before coming here you might have searched a lot and many more but all cases to activate windows 8 are failed.But now you have reached the correct place where you can activate the windows 8 

.             Now your mind was wandering that whether windows 8 supports updates or not ?

Yes ,But it also supports updates and it automatically updates everyt time.But here For virus Protection Windows Defender will scan without the antivirus but it’s better to have a good antivirus.

How to activate Windows  using KMServer

Here we have to follow a sequence of steps to activate the windows 8
1)Set the Time Zone To Chennai

How to set the Time Zone to Chennai

i)You have to click the time at the right side bottom end and afterwords select the “Change the date  and time settings”

ii)Select the “Date and Time” Tab and then Click “change Time Zone” and select the (UTC                 +05:30 )Chennai,Kolkatta,Mumbai,New Delhi.

2)Afterwords Synchronise the Time with Internet Time

How to synchronise the Time with Internet Time
i)                    You have to click the time at the right side bottom end and afterwords select the “Change the date  and time settings”
ii)                   Select the “Internet Time tab”and click Change Settings and then Click “Update now” and click Ok
Activator Download Link:.Windows 8 Key downloader link
3)Download the Windows Activator from the Download Link  Windows 8 Key downloader link
4)After Downloading It will Open like as shown in the folder as shown

5)select 7pm Tech –W8 AIO Tool-  and Press Enter And It will Open as shown below and wait for 2 minutes and select Your OS Name as Professional.
6.Make sure Before Activating Your PC/Laptop Should Be connected to Internet.
7)After that select the “Activate Key”.
8)Wait for 1 minute and You will receive notification that Your windows is activated and expiration time will be for every 6months.
9)Repeat the same Process every 6 minutes.

How to check whether Windows 8 is activated or not?

1)Open My Computer in Windows 8 using (Windows + E)E –refers to explorer.

2)Select System Properties

3)After wards It will the status that Your Windows is Activated.

Finally If you Like This Buy a Original windows buy windows 9 which is releasing on june 24,2014.
Comment to share Your Experience.

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Friday, May 10, 2013

How To remove Seen notification On Facebook chat

Posted by Technology Cracks 2 Comments
This Tutorial Shows you "How to remove "seen" notification from facebook chat".

         Everyone who is using Facebook will know the one feature that is "seen" in Facebook chat. 
It works in Both ways
1)    When you see your friends message then your friend automatically know that he has seen the message in                   Facebook chat.
2)    In the same Manner you also knows when your friends seen the message.
I have Good News for you that "if you dont want to know of your friends  knows when you have or you have not seen the message".

You can remove this "seen " notification by your Browser extensions.........

Yoo  need to know Something Before installing the extension.When Unseen Extension is installed then Facebook Works like this....

1)You send chat message to your friend    - >   You cant see when the message is read(time)
2)When your friend send message to you   -  >your friend won;t see when you have read it
3) When you kept this extension enabled  then "you have a new message on facebbok inbox and you open it it still in unread state.

 Follow the Procedure To Install The Facebook Unseen to Chrome.

1) Go to the extension Installation page by clicking this.It will be opened in new window as below

2)Confirm Installtion By clicking the Add button as in the photo 

3)Extension has been successfully installed

Finally If you have any prolems Comment it ..Fell free to comment the experience.

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

[SOLVED]How to activate Office 2010 Using KMService

Posted by Technology Cracks 21 Comments

Hi friends I am going to explain how to activate Office 2010 in simple many people used the office 2010 trail version and used it for 30 days free trial.Are you want to activate your office 2010 then you reached the correct place.After completing the trial version of office so many observe the messgae " The copy of microsoft office is not activated".

           Still now so many users tried to activate Office 2010 Professional Plus using Several Keys  by  searched from different websites. Now you reached the correct place where you can activate office 2010 professional plus without using keys.

 Day by Day Cracking has become a child Plan in earlier days .We use the Serial Keys to activate a software.But Now we can activate a software using the internet connection or phone call.

Today I wonna Going To share an activator which will  activate Office 2010
 This activator will stops the message i.e., "The copy of windows is not activated".

You have To Follow Sequence of Steps to activate office 2010

1)First Download the Zipped File from  here (Office Activator)

2)Afterwards Extract the Zipped File.

                 How To Extract The Zip File  

        i)First Select on The folder which you downloaded
       ii)Right Click the File and Select the Extract all.
       iii)Choose the Locations Where You have to save the extracted Files
       iv)Click On Ok

3)press enter on the activator

4)Disconnect The Internet connection and Close all the office Programs

5)Afterwords it will open in new Windows as shown in below screenshot.

6)Select or choose the Activate Office 2010 Vl

7)Afterwards it will open in new command prompt window .You may Ask to type through 1 to 3.Type 1 or 2 to start the process and wait for 1-2 mins.

8)Finally Press any Key To exit.


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 Afterwards The KMService will activate Office 2010 for 180 days.After the completion of the time you have to run The same Process.

           In case If you failed to activate Office 2010 then choose Rearn Office 2010 option.
It will activate Office for 30 Days.

  Want To Check Whether the Office Professional Plus Is activated or Not???

    1)Click on File And select Help Whether the Office Is activated or not?


Please Comment us Your Valuable Feedback and if you face any problem just comment here we are here to help you always.

Thanks for reading.Please share your experience by comments.

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