Friday, May 10, 2013
How To remove Seen notification On Facebook chat
Posted by Technology Cracks in: Facebook Tips/Tricks How To Internet Tips useful tips/tricks
This Tutorial Shows you "How to remove "seen" notification from facebook chat".
Everyone who is using Facebook will know the one feature that is "seen" in Facebook chat.
It works in Both ways
1) When you see your friends message then your friend automatically know that he has seen the message in Facebook chat.
2) In the same Manner you also knows when your friends seen the message.
I have Good News for you that "if you dont want to know of your friends knows when you have or you have not seen the message".
You can remove this "seen " notification by your Browser extensions.........
Yoo need to know Something Before installing the extension.When Unseen Extension is installed then Facebook Works like this....
1)You send chat message to your friend - > You cant see when the message is read(time)
2)When your friend send message to you - >your friend won;t see when you have read it
3) When you kept this extension enabled then "you have a new message on facebbok inbox and you open it it still in unread state.
Download Link:
2)Confirm Installtion By clicking the Add button as in the photo
About Admin of the Blog:
Amarnath is the Editor-in-Chief of A to Z Tricks .I am Pursuing B. Tech as a part of academics Apart from Blogging.
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